(last updated 28-AUG-2024 by Eric Prebys)
This note describes installing and running Geant4 and BDSIM on
- A Mac running Sonoma 14.4.1
- Ubuntu 14.04.2 running on either
- Parallels VM on a Mac
- (free) VMware Player on a Windows 11 PC
The Mac installations were done on both an x86 Mac and an M1 Mac.
The BDSIM documentation says it can be installed on Windows using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), but that doesn’t appear to have ever been tested, so I felt the Ubuntu VM was less risky.
On both OSs, properly installing Geant4 requires CLHEP to be built and installed from source.
On Ubuntu, I had to build and install ROOT from source in order to build BDSIM rather than rely on apt-get, while the Homebrew installation worked fine for me on Mac.
In general, the packages are very interdependent, so if something goes wrong, it’s best to just start over again.
The following packages need to be installed, using apt-get
Make sure all are updated to the latest versions!
Make sure the latest Xcode is installed, and that you launch it at least once, agree to everything, and download the tools for MacOS development. Install the command line tools by typing the following in a command window:
> xcode-select –install
I used Homebrew to install packages on the Mac and unfortunately I didn’t start from scratch, but these are all the packages that were installed when it finally worked:
Rather than try to install them all, I’d recommend just installing the ones corresponding to the Ubuntu packages above, starting the cmake files, and finding the package or packages above that match the missing libraries. Note that some missing libraries aren’t caught until make time.
Also on Macs, there’s a problem that Homebrew can’t overwrite the system installation of “bison”, which is too old for some of the installations, so you have to make sure the Homebrew installation is found first by adding the following to ~/.zshrc
export PATH="$(brew --prefix bison)/bin:$PATH"
Installing Packages
Before installing packages, do
> mkdir installations > cd installations
> cd ~/installations > git clone https://gitlab.cern.ch/CLHEP/CLHEP.git > mkdir CLHEP-build > cd CLHEP-build > cmake ../CLHEP/ > make -j 2 > sudo make install
Make sure the latest Xcode is installed. Launch it and download additional MacOS components if prompted. Do
> brew install root
Then add the following to ~/.zshrc
source "$(brew --prefix root)"/bin/thisroot.sh
BDSIM doesn’t seem to build properly with the apt-get version of ROOT, so build it from scratch as follows
> cd ~/installations/ > git clone https://github.com/root-project/root.git --branch v6-32-02 > mkdir root-build > cd root-build > cmake ../root/ > make -j 2 > sudo make install
Warning! This takes a long time. Go get coffee.
Add the following to ~/.bashrc
source /usr/local/bin/thisroot.sh
Before compiling Geant4, do
> brew unlink qt
This will prevent it from accidentally including qt6 content. You may need to link it later for other applications. Then do:
> cd ~/installations > git clone https://github.com/Geant4/geant4.git --branch v11.2.2 > mkdir geant4-build > cd geant4-build > cmake ../geant4/ > ccmake ../geant4/
Edit the interactive screen until it matches this
Then hit ‘c’ to configure. On Macs, there might be a problem finding qt5. If so, exit out and do
> export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt@5)" > ccmake ../geant4
Now hit ‘c’ and it should configure. Do
> make -j 2 > sudo make install
Add the following line to ~/.zshrc (Mac) or ~/.bashrc (Ubuntu)
source /usr/local/bin/geant4.sh
Open a new window to test and run the rc files.
To run the example, do
> cd (work directory) > cp -R /usr/local/share/Geant4/examples ./geant4-examples
Then, eg
> cd geant4-examples/basic > mkdir B1-build > cd B1-build > cmake ../B1 > make > ./exampleB1
This should pull up an graphics window with an image of the detector. In the “Session:” input at the bottom, type
/run/beamOn 10
and you should get something like the following:
Make sure you’re in a fresh window so the root and geant setup files run. Then do:
> cd ~/installations/ > git clone --recursive https://bitbucket.org/jairhul/bdsim > mkdir bdsim-build > cd bdsim-build > cmake ../bdsim > make
On one of my Macs, the build failed with the following error
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'm4', requesting installation of command line developer tools.
It popped up an Xcode flash asking to agree to download the command line development tools. I did this, but then it kept happening again. The magic bullet was to launch Xcode, then go to Xcode->Settings->Locations. When I initially did this, the “Command Line Tools” line said “No location selected”. I clicked on the current version of XCode and it changed to /Applications/Xcode.app, as shown below.
I then re-ran make and everything worked. Do
> sudo make install
and add the following to ~/.zshrc (Mac) or ~/.bashrc (Ubuntu)
source /usr/local/bin/bdsim.sh
Open a new window to run all the setup files, then set up the examples with
> cd (working directory) > cp -R ~/installations/bdsim/examples ./bdsim-examples and run one with, eg,
> cd bdsim-examples/airwatertarget > bdsim --file=air.gmad
This should pull up an image of the detector. Then in the Session: window, type
/run/beamOn 10
You should get something like the following:
Congratulations! You’re done.
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