Overall Context:
General Information about Isotopes and Astatine
- “Medical Isotope Production and Use“, talk by Darrel Fisher, Washington State University
- M. Zalutsky and M. Pruszynski, “Astatine-211: Production and Availability“.
- Very nice overview of the process for producing Astatine
- D.S. Wilbur, “Astatine-211Distribution: A Long Time Coming“.
- E. Balkin, et al, “Evaluation of a Wet Chemistry Method for Isolation of Cyclotron Produced 211-At”
- Nice description of the chemistry
- Good supporting references
Target information
- R. Larson, B. Wieland, M. Zalutsky, “Evaluation of an internal cyclotron target for the production of 211At via the 209Bi(a,2n)211At reaction“.
- Description of the Duke target
- DE-FOA-0001982
- Due 11/30/18
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